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Growth, Gratitude and Global Connections: My Podcast Journey of Redefining Motherhood

On this episode of Redefining Motherhood, I am celebrating not just the growth of the podcast, but the incredible community that has grown with it. As I look back at my journey, I am amazed by the rapid growth that has occurred. Within a short period of time, I am thrilled to announce that Redefining Motherhood has listeners from seven different countries and has made it to the top 10% of podcasts worldwide! This accomplishment isn't just mine, it belongs to you, the dedicated listeners who have journeyed with me.

This episode is not only a heartfelt tribute to our diverse listenership but also a testament to the therapeutic and connective power of podcasting. Our community is thriving because of you, the listeners. Your support and participation have created a vibrant platform where we can redefine motherhood together. In just 18 episodes, we've created a platform that celebrates motherhood in all its forms. With each episode, we've deepened our conversations, explored new perspectives, and built a supportive community. As we move towards our 21st episode, we're not just aiming for the top 1% of podcasts, we're aiming to create content that resonates with mothers worldwide.

What is more exciting is that I'm inviting you, to join me as we shape the future of "Redefining Motherhood." I value your voice, your thoughts, and your experiences. I want to hear from you and learn about the topics that matter most to you. I invite you to reach out to me on social media and help me create content that speaks to your heart. With your active participation, we can fuel this vibrant community and continue to redefine motherhood. Your input, suggestions, and stories are invaluable. Let's use them to keep the conversation going and keep the community growing.

To all my listeners, thank you for being here, for rating and reviewing our podcast, and for sharing it with those around you. Your support is the backbone of this podcast and this community.

Remember, you are strong, you are capable, you are deserving, and you got this. Until next time, happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Let's continue redefining what it means to be a mother, one episode at a time.


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